Tuesday, 9 June 2015


Last May 26th we developed our PE meeting. This time we were very few but, still, we enjoyed so much with traditional games. Susana, Miguel, Mireia and I showed and played different games that made us laugh so much. Miguel was our meeting reporter this time and he's made a great article. Before you read it, let me write down our next meeting highlights. It will be the final meeting and we hope every body will make it because... WE ARE GOING TO THE BEACH!

DATE: June 16th
PLACE: Malva-rosa beach (Pans & Company)
TOPIC: Beach games

See you soon!

Last May 26th we met again to have our last meeting. As usual it took place at CEIP Miguel Hernández of Valencia. Sadly, most of you were very busy and only four of us could attend to the meeting. Now, I am going to try to explain you what we did.

The topic was traditional games. Didac asked to us that we looked for not very popular games in order to learn new games. The first game was “The slipper”, Susana´s game. It is a simple but very funny game which consists in throwing a slipper as far as you can. The tricky thing is you have to throw the slipper putting your arms between your legs and trying to throw it up and ahead. When we played, the slipper went very often just up or even backwards! Mireia was the most skillful in this game. 

The next game was mine, “Pebbles game”. Each player has a pebble and three trading cards. One by one the players have to throw their pebbles trying to heat the other pebbles. If you hit someone’s pebble, the owner has to give you a trading card. The player who gets all the trading cards wins. This time Didac was the winner.

The third game was Mireia´s game, “Air, sea and earth”. The game is to pass a ball to another player and to say air, sea or earth. The player who gets the ball has five seconds to say an animal which lives in the place the other player said.
The last game was Didac´s game, “Caps game”. It is a fun game I used to play with my friends when I was a kid. Didac drew a circuit in the ground and we made a race with our caps. The winner was Didac again. Next time it will be different.

To sum up, we had a good time playing traditional games. Next meeting we are playing beach and water games. I‘m sure it also will be very fun. It will be our last meeting! So, don’t miss it!
