Friday 27 May 2016


Carmen explaining her game
Hi, sportive folks!

Last May 18th we developed our 6th PE Workshop session. It was about our "best games"; that game your pupils don't get tired to play. Imma was the reporter this time and, as usually, she's done a great job. Some colleagues couldn't make it but Carmen joined us, after missing last to meetings because she had to take care of her mother. Welcome back, Carmen! Before you can read Imma's great report I'll write down next meeting highlights. It's a pity because it's going to be the last meeting but we'll make a great ending session... We'll go to the beach to develop beach games! Don't miss it!

DATE: June 15th (18:00-20:00)
PLACE: Malva-rosa's beach (Pans & Company)

CONTENTBeach Games

See you in two weeks!
Didac Botella


Hi fellows!
This is the summary of the seventh session of the seminary.  One more time we had a meeting on Wednesday but, this time, the playground was only for us because it was very clouded and even it rained a little bit. Even though, we could play without any problem. The topic was “Best Games”, those games they always work with your students. We started that session  talking about our contact with English language: television, reading, conversation… and everyone  said  his/her experience about it. Then we played  five games with many moments of laughter and anecdotes. In every game, we placed with cones in order to mark the game place. We didn’t forget our daily routines before starting the games.

Playing Valencian ball
Dani introduced “Valencian Ball” –pilota valenciana–. We used a typical Valencian ball, but we didn’t protect our hands with special globes –as they do in the real game–. We started to play hard in two teams and  we respected the rules of the game, although I didn’t know them. We played a couple times and it was difficult to see and to hit the ball because it’s very tinny. We had a lot of fun. We should practice more often!

Playing 10 passes game
Carmen introduced “10 passes game”. We used a basketball. We were in two teams. Teammates had to pass the ball to each other 10 times in a row in order to get 1 point. The other team had to try to intercept the ball. It was also very fun to play!

Playing Bull up!
Marcos explained a game called Bull up!. Teacher chose someone to be a bull and it’s identified with a handkerchief.  Bull tried to catch them and they ran away in order not be caught by the bull. Only they were save if their feet weren´t on the floor (on the bench, on the tree, sat down on the floor but with your feet up…). If you were in “safety”, you couldn’t move until some other player touch your both hands.

After that was Fernando’s turn. Someone started being the “catcher”. The rest had to go away. They could be safe for a short time touching the cones that were around the playing court. There was a problem, of course, there were more pupils than cones and only one person  could be in a cone. 

Playing Cats and Mice
We finish the session with my game: Cats and mice. Teacher and pupils set a rectangle and draw an oval inside the rectangle with some ropes. Teacher chose a few pupils as a cats and  they were only inside the oval. The rest of pupils were mice and ran only in the same direction and in the space between the oval and the rectangle. If a cat touched a mouse, this one was in that moment a cat. The game finished when all mice were caught.

See you on 8th June at the beach!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Imma! Writing, speaking... You are doing a very good job in our Seminar. Congratulations!

